Asymptotic expansion (Taylor approximation)
In many situations, the remainder term in the finite Taylor (Maclaurin) expansion is unimportant. To denote that some terms are not as important as others, we introduce a new notation of great convenience called the "little o." Using this little o notation, we define the asymptotic expansion, which is (almost) the same as the finite Taylor expansion except that the remainder term is replaced by the little o term. See also : Taylor's theorem Definition (Landau's asymptotic (``little \(o\)'') notation) Let \(f(x)\) and \(g(x)\) be functions defined in the neighbor of \(x=a\). If \[\lim_{x\to a}\frac{f(x)}{g(x)} = 0,\] then, we write \[f(x) = o(g(x)) ~~ (x \to a).\] This ``\(o\)'' is called Landau's symbol} (or ``little o''), and this notation is called Landau's notation (or little-o notation). Remark . When an equation involves Landau's symbol, it does not represent exact equality. □ Example . \(f(x) = o(1) ~ (x \to a)\) means \(\li...